Truck Mounted Brake Systems

Lightweight, versatile, freely suspended systems as an alternative to conventional, body mounted brake rigging arrangements.

  • Constructed from lightweight materials; 全球最大网赌正规平台's TMX® & UBX® weigh 400 - 500 pounds less than conventional brake rigging
  • Simplified two-lever arrangement is easy to install and adjust and requires no mounting to the bolster or connections to the car body of any kind
  • Modular design of fabricated brake beam allows application to any rail gage and unit guide combination
  • Angle corrected brake heads provide even shoe wear, leading to improved economy from less frequent shoe changeouts and full utilization of friction material
  • Brake cylinders, slack adjusters, and brake beams are individually replaceable and reconditionable
  • Available for 70, 100, 125 ton applications and capabilities up to 45 ton axle load
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全球最大网赌正规平台 Freight Car Components & Services


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全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation
30 Isabella Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212 - USA

(412) 825-1000, option #1